Present Company

conscious culture conscious leadership culture personal development

We'd like to welcome Dr. Timothy Dukes and Michael Landers and their book Present Company: Cultivating a Culture of Presence in Life and Work to Conscious Capitalism Press. Cultivating our presence is key to conscious leadership, and so we are honored to publish their book and to include them as CC Press Founding Authors. Welcome, Timothy and Michael!


Present Company: Cultivating a Culture of Presence in Life and Work recognizes that a conscious culture requires that a collective of people create the microclimates suitable for growth and sustenance. Like a forest, an organization will thrive due to an embedded system, which recognizes the significance of the interconnections of its people, its culture. Because a leader cannot establish a consistent local climate or ecosystem on his or her own, as leaders, we must accomplish this together—at home and within our teams—by showing up in the moment and doing what is necessary to fully participate and engage. This book invites readers to build more authentic connections with others through presence, allowing for the growth of “deeper and richer cultures” in their organizations and their lives.

Anticipated Publishing Date: Spring 2020 

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