Seven Commitments for Empowered Collaboration

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Please join us in welcoming David Emerald and his book Seven Commitments for Empowered Collaboration to Conscious Capitalism PressDavid has been an impactful member of our community for nearly a decade, leading numerous practicum sessions at events over the years. We are deeply honored to include him as a CC Press Founding Author. Welcome David!

In Seven Commitments for Empowered Collaboration, David Emerald suggests that the key to getting anything done, especially at a conscious company, is collaboration. Teams need to work together to move forward, and yet, even with a commitment to Conscious Capitalism tenets, it can be challenging to work together. Seven Commitments provides the tools and insights needed to accomplish true teamwork.
The anticipated publishing date for Seven Commitments for Empowered Collaboration is Summer 2020.

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